Wednesday 13 April 2011

Day 2: Filming & Recording Drum Lessons

A good day!

Steve, our drum tutor very kindly provided us with a schedule of all of the additional required camera shots for the first twenty lessons... below are the shots for lessons one & two:

The key word here is additional! Using a four camera set up, we film the lessons from various angles. The above descriptions, are for the cutaway shots and one can see from the list, the amount of detail and thought that goes into each lesson.

Above & below are some shots of the very beautiful Mapex kit that we used. Thank you Duncan!

Focusing on the snare drum:

With all of the classes, guitar, bass & drums, we start with an overview of the instrument and lesson one - drums, features an in depth look at all of the various parts of the kit:

Filming one of the cutaway, additional shots:

Tony & Steve

Below: a couple of examples from the lessons. Here are some of the drum exercises written out in drum notation:

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


  1. Wow! I'm really impressed! I want to see this full recording! When I used to take private drum lessons I used to record myself to critique my form and study my film. But of course it wasn't even close to this quality!

  2. I've been looking for cameras to record my Drum lessons in Dundee. Thanks for the pointers... huge set up you had there though, good effort.
